Happy New Year, readers!
Crafting season is coming to a close, so it’s time to start writing and blogging again.
I had three goals last year: publish my next novel, Marley’s Curse, a Dickens Station Treasure Hunt Mystery, start a new novel, and continue expanding the free offerings for readers on DonaldJay.com and DickensStation.com.
Marley’s Curse, a Dickens Station Treasure Hunt Mystery, launched on July 25, 2023, just in time for Christmas in July. A very special shout-out and thank you to all the launch team members. Your support made the launch special, fun, and successful.
In October, much to my delight and surprise, Florida Writers Association’s (FWA) guest editor Ben Sharpton selected my short story, The Toyshop’s Secret, to appear as number 10 in the top ten of the selected pieces to be published in FWA’s Collection 15, Secrets. Secrets is available on Amazon for a limited time.
I wrote the short story, The Toyshop’s Secret, to be the hub around which the next novel in the Dickens Station trilogy would be built. Using the short story’s title as the working title for the novel, I have begun outlining and drafting The Toyshop’s Secret, the novel. That will be my primary focus for 2024 and beyond.
Finally, there are more free Dickens Station short stories, Daily Telegraph articles, recipes, and mini-mysteries to come. So, follow me (and all your favorite Dickens Station characters) on social media or subscribe to my blog below for super quick, fun, mysterious, intriguing, adventurous, and engaging reading throughout 2024. And remember, other than the published novels, everything on my website is free for your reading enjoyment.
Here’s hoping you have a wonderful, safe, and prosperous 2024.
Looking forward to exciting things in 2024 Don!
Thanks, Dianna!