Writing is just about as solitary a pastime as you can find. Or so I thought until over five years ago when I ventured out of my lonely “create space,” as my wife and I call it, to check out a writers group.
My first meeting both enlightened and terrified me. The group met at the local library and turned out to be what is called a “critique” group. Here comes the terrifying part. We were to read what we have written to the group for the other members to “critique.” Read my writing . . . to strangers? I almost bailed right there.
Resisting the urge to run, I tried, and in trying I discovered the many benefits of joining a writers group.
A Little Nudge: Bi-weekly meetings keep me writing and moving forward.
Inspiration: Listening to other writers encourages me to write.
Support: A positive, supportive, and welcoming environment keeps me coming back.
Suggestions: Members make suggestions I am free to use, or not, with no need to defend.
Friendships: I’ve made lifelong friends I can talk to when I’m stuck or just need to talk.
Variety: Being exposed to other genres and writing styles is intriguing and enlightening.
Learning: I had (and still have) a lot to learn about things like story structure, character arcs, point-of-view, etc. Other members provide that knowledge.
Practical Application: Knowing the building blocks of storytelling and applying them are two different things. Fresh eyes spot issues you cannot see in your own writing.
Temperance: The other writers adjust their feedback to where I am in my growth as a writer. They didn’t expect me to be Hemmingway with my first story. They expect much more from me now.
Acceptance: Writers at all levels are accepted in a good writers group. In this way, novices can learn from the veterans and veterans may still get caught with an occasional dangling participle or inappropriate shift in point-of-view.
The bottom line is, if it weren’t for my two writers groups, I wouldn’t have two novels published and be working on my third. I wholeheartedly encourage writers to join a writers group.
A heartfelt thank you to my friends at PinFic and Fictioneers.
Awww. I’m happy to have found the groups too! (although I’d be a fan of your books even if I hadn’t met you through the group)
Thanks, Dianna.
It has been a distinct pleasure getting to know you over the past five-ish years, and it’s a privilege to be able to call you not just a fellow writer but a good friend as well. As for our writing groups, I, too, am grateful to have found a gathering of supportive & creative people who challenge me to continue practicing & honing my craft, such as it is.
I feel the same way about you Ben. Had it not been for the writing group, we would have probably never met, and I still wouldn’t know wat a dangling participle is.