Thank you to everyone who had a hand in Marley’s Curse. It takes a village, and to our village, I say, “Well done.”
Thank you to everyone who has posted a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Unfortunately, Amazon does not tell me the name of those who just left a numeric review, and several reviews are identified only as “Amazon Customer.” So, if I didn’t get a chance to thank you individually, thank you for your support.
If you haven’t finished the book yet, no worries. I hope you enjoy it enough to finish, and reviews left in the future are very much appreciated.
If you posted a review, but it has yet to be released by Amazon. Thank you. I apologize for this problem. I am as baffled and frustrated by this as you must be. Amazon would not respond favorably if I (as the author) contacted them about an individual’s review because I would be seen as gilding the lily. They have been known to take down reviews already approved when an author complains.
If your review has not been “approved” by Amazon yet, I am NOT asking you to take further action. You have done enough, and I am respectful of your time. If you are interested in following up, I am told you can contact an Amazon representative by calling 1-888-280-4331. This number operates 24/7. Email: Amazon’s customer service email address is cs-reply@amazon.com, but an Insider reports that Amazon prefers to handle support via live chat or phone.
Finally, thank you to those who have purchased Marley’s Curse in Kindle, paperback, or through Kindle Unlimited. Sales help Amazon see the book as “legitimate” and boost the chances that another reader may find the book.
For me, success is measured in readers rather than in sales. I know several of you have read the book aloud to loved ones or purchased the book to give to another. That you have given of yourself, your time, and your resources to enjoy the book yourselves and share the story with others is the greatest gift an author could ever receive.
Thank you all for a great Launch Week.

I’m so glad that your book launch went as smoothly as it did. Congratulations again on a major achievement!
Thanks, Ben, for everything.