Dickens Station Daily Telegraph
Sunday, March 19, 2023, Dickens Station, Vermont
by Emily Dodson, Editor
Easter Celebration Calendar
Resident/Back Streeter Edition

Following long-honored traditions begun by her great-great-grandfather and our town’s founder, Merritt Otto Dickens, Amelia Dickens announced today the schedule of events for residents and Back Streeters for this Easter weekend. Many of these festivities originated in European customs that traveled with Merritt Otto Dickens to the United States and have been celebrated here, in Dickens Station, since the town was founded in 1893.
Maundy Thursday Feast, Easter Egg Hunt, and Ball
April 7, 2023
On Maundy Thursday, Christians commemorate Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples. The word “maundy” is derived from the Latin word for “command,” referring to Jesus’ commandment to his disciples to “love one another as I have loved you.” In Victorian times, the monarchy of England commemorated the day by minting “maundy coins” and distributing them at a church service called “Royal Maundy.”
The word “maundy” is derived from the Latin word for “command,” referring to Jesus’ commandment to his disciples to “love one another as I have loved you.”
Good Friday, April 8, 2023
To commemorate the crucifixion of Christ, the Dickens Family Chapel will be open to residents and Back Streeters from sunrise to sunset for quiet reflection and prayer. Also, Charlotte Flowers will be giving away her special hot cross buns to residents and Back Streeters throughout the day on Good Friday on the Back Porch. The cross decoration baked into each bun reminds us of Christ’s sacrifice. This gift also reflects the Victorian tradition of sharing a hot cross bun to solidify friendship, hence the rhyme, Half for you, half for me, between us two good luck shall be.
Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023
Traditionally, businesses in Dickens Station do not open on Easter Sunday so that our families may celebrate the resurrection of Christ. While we do not have as many visitors during the Easter season as we have at Christmas, residents and Back Streeters may enjoy again this year the Dickens Family invitation to attend sunrise services held in the Dickens’s Family Chapel, predicted to be at 6:20 am or a second service at 8:00 am. In addition, the Community Church will hold its regularly scheduled services at 9:30 am and 11:00 am.
Amelia Dickens looks forward to celebrating this spiritually significant time of year with her family and friends and wishes one and all a very happy Easter.
Want to find out more about the quaint Christmas-themed village of Dickens Station and the colorful characters who live there? Check out all that Dickens Station has to offer, including free short stories, recipes, and mini mysteries, at DickensStation.com.
So fun that you bring us into this world with you! I love this!!
Thanks, Dianna. It’s fun for me, too.
Interesting bit of history included with the article that brings us into the Dickens Station annual celebration. Nicely done, Emily!
Thanks, Ben. I try to add a bit of history to keep things interesting.