“Entertaining readers with action, adventure, mystery, and romance
Donald Jay
all guided by Christian values.”

One of the first steps on my journey from writer to author seems to be to find a different hat. As a writer, I have been consumed by things that revolved around the story, like what dangerous little trap my villain has planned for our hero. But finding and then wearing this new author’s hat is forcing me to think about things beyond the story; like defining my brand.
Gurus like Kimberly Grabas (1,2) and James Chartrand (3) challenge potential authors to think about concepts like why you write, your mission, your promise, and your brand. Why? Two reasons, really. Knowing the answers to these questions helps you, the author, focus and consistently deliver on your promise to the members of your tribe. And second, publishing the answers to these questions in a tagline helps potential readers to find you and to decide whether or not to give you a read.
My tagline is…
“Entertaining readers with action, adventure, mystery, and romance
Donald Jay
all guided by Christian values.”

Here are the thoughts and feelings behind it.
My mission is to entertain readers. The reason I write is not to evangelize, advocate political agendas, or tackle social issues. All of these are noble and worthy causes. My mission is purely to entertain, and there is something very special and healthy about that as well.
My promise is to give my readers plenty of action, adventure, mystery, and romance. My readers will get to know unforgettable characters tackling humorous, mysterious and often dangerous situations in places my readers will long to visit and explore.
My brand is that my writing shall be guided by Christian principles. God will be present in the stories and in the telling of those stories. But again, my purpose is not to persuade or evangelize. My work will be “guided by Christian principles” to provide a “safe read” for those who want the fun and excitement of adventure without the use of graphic sex or excessive violence to get the pulse racing and the imagination tingling.
What do you think about this brand and tag line? Please share your thoughts with me by leaving comments below.
References – Please check out the full articles from the writers cited in this post:
1 https://www.yourwriterplatform.com
2 https://www.yourwriterplatform.com/actions-to-build-writer-platform/