Please help me congratulate AnnMarie Flora for winning the cameo appearance contest. AnnMarie will appear in A Sugarbush Easter as her cameo character, librarian Flora Skukalek. AnnMarie chose Skukalek as her character’s last name because Skukalek is her grandmother’s maiden name.
A Sugarbush Easter (a free short story scheduled to be released next Sunday) takes place 20 years ago.
Today, 20 years have passed since A Sugarbush Easter, and Flora Skukalek is being promoted to Library Director. Read all about it in today’s edition of the Dickens Station Daily Telegraph by clicking the headline below.
AnnMarie has also graciously agreed to share with us her Nana’s recipe for halupki (Slovakian cabbage rolls) for the Dickens Station cookbook. I will post the recipe after I publish the short story next week.